Init with original UniBox from fjkraan on

This commit is contained in:
mattbk 2024-01-07 10:31:05 -06:00
parent 82c1f5aabe
commit b7d0df6fad
7 changed files with 231 additions and 0 deletions

UniBox2.scad Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
$fn = 32;
include <./camferCube.scad>
include <./screwShapes1.scad>
pcbW = 70;
pcbL = 100;
bottomHeight = 15;
wall = 2;
bottomDimsOutside = [pcbW + 2 * wall, pcbL + 2 * wall, bottomHeight];
bottomDimsInside = [pcbW, pcbL, bottomHeight];
module bottom(screwSide = false) {
difference() {
camferHalfCube(bottomDimsOutside, false);
translate([wall, wall, wall]) camferHalfCube(bottomDimsInside, false);
// front bezelled cutout
dims = [bottomDimsInside[0] - 4 * wall, wall, bottomHeight];
translate([3.0 * wall, -0.01, 3 * wall]) bezelCube(dims, false, 1.0);
// back bezelled cutout
translate([bottomDimsOutside[0] - 3 * wall, pcbL + 2 * wall +0.01, 3 * wall]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) bezelCube(dims, false, 1.0);
// side ridge concave
translate([pcbW + 2 * wall - wall/2, (pcbL + 2 * wall) / 2, bottomHeight]) sideRidge();
if (screwSide) {
translate([2 * wall, 3.75 * wall, -0.02]) flatHeadM3(bottomHeight);
translate([bottomDimsInside[0], 3.75 * wall, -0.02]) flatHeadM3(bottomHeight);
translate([2 * wall, bottomDimsInside[1] - 1.75 * wall, -0.02]) flatHeadM3(bottomHeight);
translate([bottomDimsInside[0], bottomDimsInside[1] - 1.75 * wall, -0.02]) flatHeadM3(bottomHeight);
// side ridge convex
translate([wall/2, (pcbL + 2 * wall) / 2, bottomHeight]) sideRidge(wall);
// translate([pcbW + 2 * wall - wall/2, (pcbL + 2 * wall) / 2, bottomHeight]) sideRidge(wall);
// pillars
translate([2 * wall, 3.75 * wall, wall]) screwPillar(screwSide, bottomDimsInside[2] - wall - 0.5);
translate([bottomDimsInside[0], 3.75 * wall, wall]) screwPillar(screwSide, bottomDimsInside[2] - wall - 0.5);
translate([2 * wall, bottomDimsInside[1] - 1.75 * wall, wall]) screwPillar(screwSide, bottomDimsInside[2] - wall - 0.5);
translate([bottomDimsInside[0], bottomDimsInside[1] - 1.75 * wall, wall]) screwPillar(screwSide, bottomDimsInside[2] - wall - 0.5);
// panel ridges bottom
translate([wall, 2.1 * wall, wall]) cube([bottomDimsInside[0], wall, wall]);
translate([wall, bottomDimsInside[1] - 1.1 * wall, wall]) cube([bottomDimsInside[0], wall, wall]);
module sideRidge(redux = 0) {
ridgeSize = wall * 0.5;
rotate([0, 45, 0]) cube([ridgeSize, pcbL - 7 * wall - redux, ridgeSize], true);
module bezelCube(dims, center = false, camfer = 1.0) {
width = dims[0];
height = dims[1];
length = dims[2];
radius = 0.01;
translate([width, height, length]) {
rotate([-90, 0, 180]) {
hull() {
// lower plane
translate([0, 0, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([ width, 0, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([0, length, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([ width, length, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
// upper plane
translate([- camfer, - camfer, height]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([ width + camfer, - camfer, height]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([- camfer, length + camfer, height]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([ width + camfer, length + camfer, height]) sphere(r = radius);
module screwPillar(screwSide = false, height) {
insideDiam = 2.6;
outsideDiam = insideDiam + 2 * wall;
difference() {
cylinder(d = outsideDiam, h = height);
translate([0, 0, -0.01]) {
if (screwSide) {
cylinder(d = 3.3, h = height + 0.02);
} else {
cylinder(d = insideDiam, h = height + 0.02);
module panel() {
dims = [pcbW - 0.2, bottomHeight * 2 - 2 * wall - 0.2, wall - 0.2];
camferHalfCube(dims, false, wall/2);
translate([10 - wall, 0, 0]) bottom();
translate([-pcbW - 10, 0, 0]) bottom(true);
translate([10, - bottomHeight * 2 - 10, 0]) panel();

UniBox2Bottom.stl Normal file

Binary file not shown.

UniBox2Panel.stl Normal file

Binary file not shown.

UniBox2Top.stl Normal file

Binary file not shown.

camferCube.scad Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
// camferCube1
//dims = [10, 10, 10];
//camferCube(dims, false);
module camferCube(dims, center = false, camfer=1.0) {
width = dims[0];
length = dims[1];
height = dims[2];
if (center) {
translate([0, 0, -height / 2]) {
hull() {
// base
translate([0, 0, 0]) topBottomPlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
// lowerMid
translate([0, 0, camfer]) middlePlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
// upperPlane
translate([0, 0, height - camfer]) middlePlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
// top
translate([0, 0, height]) topBottomPlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
} else {
translate([width / 2, length / 2, 0]) {
hull() {
// base
translate([0, 0, 0]) topBottomPlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
// lowerMid
translate([0, 0, camfer]) middlePlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
// upperPlane
translate([0, 0, height - camfer]) middlePlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
// top
translate([0, 0, height]) topBottomPlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
module camferHalfCube(dims, center = false, camfer=1.0) {
width = dims[0];
length = dims[1];
height = dims[2];
if (center) {
translate([0, 0, -height / 2]) {
hull() {
// base
translate([0, 0, 0]) topBottomPlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
// lowerMid
translate([0, 0, camfer]) middlePlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
// top
translate([0, 0, height]) middlePlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
} else {
translate([width / 2, length / 2, 0]) {
hull() {
// base
translate([0, 0, 0]) topBottomPlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
// lowerMid
translate([0, 0, camfer]) middlePlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
// top
translate([0, 0, height]) middlePlane(dims, camfer=1.0);
module topBottomPlane(dims, camfer) {
width = dims[0];
length = dims[1];
height = dims[2];
radius = 0.01;
translate([-width / 2 + camfer, -length / 2 + camfer, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([width / 2 - camfer, -length / 2 + camfer, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([-width / 2 + camfer, length / 2 - camfer, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([width / 2 - camfer, length / 2 - camfer, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
module middlePlane(dims, camfer) {
width = dims[0];
length = dims[1];
height = dims[2];
radius = 0.01;
translate([-width / 2 + camfer, -length / 2]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([-width / 2, -length / 2 + camfer]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([width / 2 - camfer, -length / 2]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([width / 2, -length / 2 + camfer]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([-width / 2 + camfer, length / 2]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([-width / 2, length / 2 - camfer]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([width / 2 - camfer, length / 2]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([width / 2, length / 2 - camfer]) sphere(r = radius);

screwShapes1.scad Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// screwShapes1
module flatHeadM3(length) {
headMax = 6.0;
headMin = 3.2;
headHeight = 2.01;
cylinder(d1 = 6.0, d2 = 3.2, h = headHeight + 0.01);
translate([0, 0, headHeight]) cylinder(d = headMin, h = length - headHeight);
module flatHeadM4(length) {
headMax = 7.0;
headMin = 4.2;
headHeight = 3.0;
cylinder(d1 = headMax, d2 = headMin, h = headHeight + 0.01);
translate([0, 0, headHeight]) cylinder(d = headMin, h = length - headHeight);
module hexHeadM4(length) {
headDiam = 6.3;
headHeight = 4.2;
cylinder(d = headDiam, h = headHeight);
translate([0, 0, headHeight]) cylinder(d = 4.4, h = length);
module hexHeadM6(length) {
headDiam = 10.0;
headHeight = 6.0;
cylinder(d = headDiam, h = headHeight);
translate([0, 0, headHeight]) cylinder(d = 6.4, h = length);
module nutM6() {
cylinder(d = 11.5, h = 5.0, $fn = 6);