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$fn = 32;
include <./camferCube.scad>
include <./screwShapes1.scad>
pcbW = 25; // inside width, mm
pcbL = 90; // inside length, mm
pcb_margin = 0.5; // extra space on each edge of PCB, but accounted for in pillar and hole location, mm
bottomHeight = 50; // height of inside wall for side without screws, mm
screwSideHeight = 3; // mm
wall = 2; // wall thickness, mm
pcb_thickness = 2; // leaves gap between pillars for PCB, mm
pillar_x = 1; // distance in from edge of PCB, mm
pillar_y = 1; // distance in from edge of PCB, mm
screw_thread_diam = 1.5; // diameter of pillar that will accept screw threads
screw_hole_diam = 2.2;
// TODO also consider taking PCB a) dimensions and b) hole spacing and
// building the box around those values (first screw holes, then box).
// Define box dimensions
bottomDimsInside = [pcbW + screw_thread_diam + (1.5 * wall),
pcbL + (2 * pcb_margin),
bottomHeight + wall];
bottomDimsOutside = bottomDimsInside + [2 * wall, 2 * wall, 0];
screwSideDimsInside = [pcbW + screw_thread_diam + (1.5 * wall),
pcbL + (2 * pcb_margin),
screwSideHeight + wall];
screwSideDimsOutside = screwSideDimsInside + [2 * wall, 2 * wall, 0];
// Define pillar XY locations
pillarSW = [wall + pillar_x ,
wall + pillar_y ,
pillarSE = [bottomDimsInside[0] - pillar_x + wall,
wall + pillar_y,
pillarNW = [wall + pillar_x,
bottomDimsInside[1] - pillar_y + wall,
pillarNE = [bottomDimsInside[0] - pillar_x + wall,
bottomDimsInside[1] - pillar_y + wall,
// Echo hole spacing
echo("X screw center spacing: ", pillarSE[0] - pillarSW[0]);
echo("Y screw center spacing: ", pillarNE[1] - pillarSE[1]);
// Define ridge locations
ridgeWest = [wall/2, bottomDimsInside[1] / 2 + wall, bottomDimsInside[2]];
ridgeEast = [bottomDimsOutside[0] - wall / 2, bottomDimsInside[1] / 2 + wall , bottomDimsInside[2]];
ridgeWestScrew = [wall/2, bottomDimsInside[1] / 2 + wall, screwSideDimsInside[2]];
ridgeEastScrew = [bottomDimsOutside[0] - wall / 2, bottomDimsInside[1] / 2 + wall , screwSideDimsInside[2]];
module bottom(screwSide = false) {
difference() {
if (screwSide) {
difference() {
camferHalfCube(screwSideDimsOutside, false);
translate([wall, wall, wall]) cube(screwSideDimsInside);
// Add text
translate([bottomDimsOutside[0] / 3,
bottomDimsOutside[1] / 3.5,
1]) rotate([180, 0, 270])
text("Vulpes v01", valign = "center", halign = "center", size = 6, );
translate([bottomDimsOutside[0] / 1.5 ,
bottomDimsOutside[1] / 1.5,
1]) rotate([180, 0, 270])
text("W1CDN", valign = "center", halign = "center", size = 6, );
} else {
difference() {
camferHalfCube(bottomDimsOutside, false);
translate([wall, wall, wall]) cube(bottomDimsInside);
// side ridge concave
translate(ridgeWest) sideRidge();
translate(ridgeEast) sideRidge();
// Screw insets
if (screwSide) {
translate(pillarSW) translate([0, 0, -wall - 0.02]) flatHeadM2(bottomHeight);
translate(pillarSE) translate([0, 0, -wall - 0.02]) flatHeadM2(bottomHeight);
translate(pillarNW) translate([0, 0, -wall - 0.02]) flatHeadM2(bottomHeight);
translate(pillarNE) translate([0, 0, -wall - 0.02]) flatHeadM2(bottomHeight);
// Holes for Vulpes board v01.
// Lay out holes on XY plane, then rotate into place and move to correct side.
// Measure relative to bottom of PCB.
translate([bottomDimsInside[0] - (wall * 1.5) - screw_thread_diam,
0 + wall/2]){
rotate([0, -180, 90]){
// Key jack
translate([-26, 3, 0])
cylinder(d = 8, h = wall + 0.04, center = true);
// Key block
translate([-14, 4, 0])
cube([10, 6, wall + 0.04], center = true);
// USB
translate([-59, 14, 0])
cube([12, 8, wall + 0.04], center = true);
if (screwSide) { // if screw side
// side ridge convex
translate(ridgeWestScrew) sideRidge(wall);
translate(ridgeEastScrew) sideRidge(wall);
// Pillars
translate(pillarSW) screwPillar(screwSide, screwSideDimsInside[2] - wall, screw_hole_diam, screw_thread_diam);
translate(pillarSE) screwPillar(screwSide, screwSideDimsInside[2] - wall, screw_hole_diam, screw_thread_diam);
translate(pillarNW) screwPillar(screwSide, screwSideDimsInside[2] - wall, screw_hole_diam, screw_thread_diam);
translate(pillarNE) screwPillar(screwSide, screwSideDimsInside[2] - wall, screw_hole_diam, screw_thread_diam);
// Grooves for PCB
translate([pillarSE[0] - pcb_thickness - (wall * 1.5) - (screw_thread_diam / 2), wall, 0])
cube([wall/2, wall*1.5, screwSideDimsInside[2]]);
translate([pillarNE[0] - pcb_thickness - (wall * 1.5) - (screw_thread_diam / 2), bottomDimsInside[1] - wall/2, 0])
cube([wall/2, wall*1.5, screwSideDimsInside[2]]);
else { // if not screw side
translate(pillarSW) screwPillar(screwSide, bottomDimsInside[2] - wall, screw_hole_diam, screw_thread_diam);
translate(pillarSE) screwPillar(screwSide, bottomDimsInside[2] - wall, screw_hole_diam, screw_thread_diam);
translate(pillarNW) screwPillar(screwSide, bottomDimsInside[2] - wall, screw_hole_diam, screw_thread_diam);
translate(pillarNE) screwPillar(screwSide, bottomDimsInside[2] - wall, screw_hole_diam, screw_thread_diam);
// Grooves for PCB
translate([pillarSE[0] - pcb_thickness - (wall * 1.5) - (screw_thread_diam / 2), wall, 0])
cube([wall/2, wall*1.5, bottomDimsInside[2]]);
translate([pillarNE[0] - pcb_thickness - (wall * 1.5) - (screw_thread_diam / 2), bottomDimsInside[1] - wall/2, 0])
cube([wall/2, wall*1.5, bottomDimsInside[2]]);
module sideRidge(redux = 0) {
ridgeSize = wall * 0.5;
rotate([0, 45, 0]) cube([ridgeSize, pcbL - 7 * wall - redux, ridgeSize], true);
module sideRidge2(redux = 0) {
ridgeSize = wall * 0.5;
rotate([0, 45, 0]) cube([ridgeSize, pcbW - 7 * wall - redux, ridgeSize], true);
module flatHeadM2(length) {
headMax = 3.75;
headMin = 2.2;
headHeight = 2.01;
cylinder(d1 = headMax, d2 = headMin, h = headHeight + 0.01);
translate([0, 0, headHeight]) cylinder(d = headMin, h = length - headHeight);
module bezelCube(dims, center = false, camfer = 1.0) {
width = dims[0];
height = dims[1];
length = dims[2];
radius = 0.01;
translate([width, height, length]) {
rotate([-90, 0, 180]) {
hull() {
// lower plane
translate([0, 0, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([ width, 0, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([0, length, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([ width, length, 0]) sphere(r = radius);
// upper plane
translate([- camfer, - camfer, height]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([ width + camfer, - camfer, height]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([- camfer, length + camfer, height]) sphere(r = radius);
translate([ width + camfer, length + camfer, height]) sphere(r = radius);
module screwPillar(screwSide = false, height, insideDiamHole, insideDiamThread) {
//insideDiam = 2.6;
outsideDiam = insideDiamHole + 1.5 * wall;
difference() {
cylinder(d = outsideDiam, h = height) ;
//cylinder(h = height * 0.15, r2 = (outsideDiam/2), r1 = outsideDiam*0.7);
translate([0, 0, -0.01]) {
if (screwSide) {
cylinder(d = insideDiamHole, h = height + 0.02);
} else {
cylinder(d = insideDiamThread, h = height + 0.02);
// Extra support at base
// Make the not-screw side
translate([10 - wall, 0 - wall, 0]) bottom();
// Make the screw side and scale it
translate([-pcbW - 10 - wall, 0 - wall, 0]) bottom(true);