Use arduinomorse instead of Jled #38
@ -10,9 +10,6 @@
platform = espressif32
;build_flags =
; -std=c++11
; -std=gnu++11
board = esp32doit-devkit-v1
framework = arduino
upload_speed = 921600
@ -23,10 +20,7 @@ lib_deps =
me-no-dev/ESP Async WebServer@^1.2.3
|||| ; >=2.1.2
adafruit/Adafruit BusIO@^1.14.3
erropix/ESP32 AnalogWrite@^0.2
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <Preferences.h>
#include <arduino-timer.h>
#include "morse.h"
#include <jled.h> // jled
#include "jled/morse.h" //jled
#include <Adafruit_BusIO_Register.h> // for DS3231
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
// Morse Code sending library
#include <morse.h>
// MorseSender
int MorseSender::copyTimings(
morseTiming_t *rawOut,
morseBitmask_t definition)
int t = 0;
boolean foundSentinel = false;
for(morseBitmask_t mask = MORSE_BITMASK_HIGH_BIT;
mask > 0; mask = mask >> 1)
boolean isDah = (mask & definition) > 0;
if (isDah) { foundSentinel = true; }
rawOut[2*t] = isDah ? DAH : DIT;
rawOut[2*t + 1] = DIT;
return t;
unsigned int MorseSender::fillTimings(char c)
int t = 0;
unsigned int start = 0;
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
t = copyTimings(timingBuffer, MORSE_LETTERS[c-'a']);
else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
int n = c - '0';
boolean ditsFirst = (n <= 5);
if (!ditsFirst)
n -= 5;
while(t < 5)
timingBuffer[2*t] = ((t < n) == ditsFirst) ? DIT : DAH;
timingBuffer[2*t + 1] = DIT;
int s = 0;
while(MORSE_PUNCT_ETC[s].c != END)
if(MORSE_PUNCT_ETC[s].c == c)
t = copyTimings(timingBuffer,
if (MORSE_PUNCT_ETC[s].c == END)
start = t = 1; // start on a space
timingBuffer[2*t - 1] = DAH;
timingBuffer[2*t] = END;
Serial.print("Refilled timing buffer for '");
Serial.print("': ");
int i = start;
while(timingBuffer[i] != END)
Serial.print(", ");
return start;
// see note in header about pure-virtual-ness
void MorseSender::setOn() {};
void MorseSender::setOff() {};
// noop defaults
void MorseSender::setReady() {};
void MorseSender::setComplete() {};
MorseSender::MorseSender(unsigned int outputPin, float wpm) :
void MorseSender::setup() { pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); }
void MorseSender::setWPM(float wpm)
setSpeed((morseTiming_t)(1000.0*60.0/(max(1.0f, wpm)*DITS_PER_WORD)));
void MorseSender::setSpeed(morseTiming_t duration)
DIT = max(duration, (morseTiming_t) 1);
DAH = 3*DIT;
void MorseSender::setMessage(const String newMessage)
message = newMessage;
// Force startSending() before continueSending().
messageIndex = message.length();
// If a different message was in progress, make sure it stops cleanly.
if (timingIndex % 2 == 0) {
void MorseSender::sendBlocking()
//Serial.println("Sending blocking: ");
void MorseSender::startSending()
messageIndex = 0;
if (message.length() == 0) { return; }
timingIndex = fillTimings(message[0]);
if (timingIndex % 2 == 0) {
//Serial.print("Starting with on, duration=");
} else {
//Serial.print("Starting with off, duration=");
lastChangedMillis = millis();
boolean MorseSender::continueSending()
if(messageIndex >= message.length()) { return false; }
unsigned long elapsedMillis = millis() - lastChangedMillis;
if (elapsedMillis < timingBuffer[timingIndex]) { return true; }
if (timingBuffer[timingIndex] == END)
if(messageIndex >= message.length()) {
return false;
timingIndex = fillTimings(message[messageIndex]);
lastChangedMillis += elapsedMillis;
//Serial.print("Next is ");
if (timingIndex % 2 == 0) {
//Serial.print("(on) ");
} else {
//Serial.print("(off) ");
return true;
void *MorseSender::operator new(size_t size) { return malloc(size); }
void MorseSender::operator delete(void* ptr) { if (ptr) free(ptr); }
// SpeakerMorseSender
// void SpeakerMorseSender::setOn() { tone(pin, frequency); }
// void SpeakerMorseSender::setOff() {
// if (carrFrequency == CARRIER_FREQUENCY_NONE) {
// noTone(pin);
// } else {
// tone(pin, carrFrequency);
// }
// }
// void SpeakerMorseSender::setReady() { setOff(); }
// void SpeakerMorseSender::setComplete() { noTone(pin); }
// SpeakerMorseSender::SpeakerMorseSender(
// int outputPin,
// unsigned int toneFrequency,
// unsigned int carrierFrequency,
// float wpm)
// : MorseSender(outputPin, wpm),
// frequency(toneFrequency),
// carrFrequency(carrierFrequency) {};
// LEDMorseSender
void LEDMorseSender::setOn() { digitalWrite(pin, activeLow ? LOW : HIGH); }
void LEDMorseSender::setOff() { digitalWrite(pin, activeLow ? HIGH : LOW); }
LEDMorseSender::LEDMorseSender(int outputPin, bool activeLow, float wpm)
: MorseSender(outputPin, wpm), activeLow(activeLow) {};
LEDMorseSender::LEDMorseSender(int outputPin, float wpm)
: MorseSender(outputPin, wpm), activeLow(false) {};
// PWMMorseSender
void PWMMorseSender::setOn() { analogWrite(pin, brightness); }
void PWMMorseSender::setOff() { analogWrite(pin, 0); }
void PWMMorseSender::setBrightness(byte bright) {
brightness = bright;
int outputPin,
float wpm,
byte bright)
: MorseSender(outputPin, wpm), brightness(bright) {};
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
#pragma once
* Generate and send Morse Code on an LED or a speaker. Allow sending
* in a non-blocking manner (by calling a 'continue sending' method
* every so often to turn an LED on/off, or to call tone/noTone appropriately).
* All input should be lowercase. Prosigns (SK, KN, etc) have special
* character values #defined.
* See also:
* Morse decoder (using binary tree):
* Generator (on playground):
// for malloc and free, for the new/delete operators
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <analogWrite.h>
// Arduino language types
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
#define WPM_DEFAULT 12.0
// PARIS WPM measurement: 50; CODEX WPM measurement: 60 (Wikipedia:Morse_code)
#define DITS_PER_WORD 50
// Pass to SpeakerMorseSender as carrierFrequency to suppress the carrier.
// Bitmasks are 1 for dah and 0 for dit, in left-to-right order;
// the sequence proper begins after the first 1 (a sentinel).
// Credit for this scheme to Mark VandeWettering K6HX ( ).
typedef unsigned int morseTiming_t;
typedef unsigned char morseBitmask_t; // see also MAX_TIMINGS
#define MORSE_BITMASK_HIGH_BIT B10000000
// sentinel
#define END 0
// the most timing numbers any unit will need; ex: k = on,off,on,off,on,end = 5
#define MAX_TIMINGS 15
// Punctuation and Prosigns
#define PROSIGN_SK 'S'
#define PROSIGN_KN 'K'
#define PROSIGN_BT 'B'
typedef struct {
char c;
morseBitmask_t timing;
} specialTiming;
const specialTiming MORSE_PUNCT_ETC[] = {
{'.', B1010101},
{'?', B1001100},
{'/', B110010},
{PROSIGN_SK, B1000101},
{PROSIGN_KN, B110110},
{PROSIGN_BT, B110001},
{END, B1},
// Morse Code (explicit declaration of letter timings)
const morseBitmask_t MORSE_LETTERS[26] = {
/* a */ B101,
/* b */ B11000,
/* c */ B11010,
/* d */ B1100,
/* e */ B10,
/* f */ B10010,
/* g */ B1110,
/* h */ B10000,
/* i */ B100,
/* j */ B10111,
/* k */ B1101,
/* l */ B10100,
/* m */ B111,
/* n */ B110,
/* o */ B1111,
/* p */ B10110,
/* q */ B11101,
/* r */ B1010,
/* s */ B1000,
/* t */ B11,
/* u */ B1001,
/* v */ B10001,
/* w */ B1011,
/* x */ B11001,
/* y */ B11011,
/* z */ B11100,
* Define the logic of converting characters to on/off timing,
* and encapsulate the state of one sending-in-progress Morse message.
* Subclasses define setOn and setOff for (for example) LED and speaker output.
class MorseSender {
const unsigned int pin;
// The setOn and setOff methods would be pure virtual,
// but that has compiler issues.
// See: .
* Called to set put the output in 'on' state, during a dit or dah.
virtual void setOn();
virtual void setOff();
* Called before sending a message. Used for example to enable a
* carrier. (Noop in the base class.)
virtual void setReady();
virtual void setComplete();
morseTiming_t DIT, DAH;
String message;
// on,off,...,wait,0 list, millis
morseTiming_t timingBuffer[MAX_TIMINGS+1];
// index of the character currently being sent
unsigned int messageIndex;
// timing unit currently being sent
unsigned int timingIndex;
// when this timing unit was started
unsigned long lastChangedMillis;
* Copy definition timings (on only) to raw timings (on/off).
* @return the number of 'on' timings copied
int copyTimings(morseTiming_t *rawOut,
morseBitmask_t definition);
* Fill a buffer with on,off,..,END timings (millis)
* @return the index at which to start within the new timing sequence
unsigned int fillTimings(char c);
* Create a sender which will output to the given pin.
MorseSender(unsigned int outputPin, float wpm=WPM_DEFAULT);
* To be called during the Arduino setup(); set the pin as OUTPUT.
void setup();
* Set the words per minute (based on PARIS timing).
void setWPM(float wpm);
* Set the duration, in milliseconds, of a DIT.
void setSpeed(morseTiming_t duration);
* Set the message to be sent.
* This halts any sending in progress.
void setMessage(const String newMessage);
* Send the entirety of the current message before returning. See the "simple"
* example, which uses sendBlocking to send one message.
void sendBlocking();
* Prepare to send and begin sending the current message. After calling this,
* call continueSending repeatedly until it returns false to finish sending
* the message. See the "speeds" example, which calls startSending and
* continueSending on two different senders.
void startSending();
* Switch outputs on and off (and refill the internal timing buffer)
* as necessary to continue with the sending of the current message.
* This should be called every few milliseconds (at a significantly
* smaller interval than a DIT) to produce a legible fist.
* @see startSending, which must be called first
* @return false if sending is complete, otherwise true (keep sending)
boolean continueSending();
void *operator new(size_t size);
void operator delete(void* ptr);
* Adapt Morse sending to use the Arduino language tone() and noTone()
* functions, for use with a speaker.
* If a carrierFrequency is given, instead of calling noTone, call tone
* with a low frequency. This is useful ex. for maintaining radio links.
class SpeakerMorseSender: public MorseSender {
unsigned int frequency;
unsigned int carrFrequency;
virtual void setOn();
virtual void setOff();
virtual void setReady();
virtual void setComplete();
// concert A = 440
// middle C = 261.626; higher octaves = 523.251, 1046.502
int outputPin,
unsigned int toneFrequency=1046,
unsigned int carrierFrequency=CARRIER_FREQUENCY_NONE,
float wpm=WPM_DEFAULT);
* Sends Morse on a digital output pin.
class LEDMorseSender: public MorseSender {
bool activeLow;
virtual void setOn();
virtual void setOff();
* Creates a LED Morse code sender with the given GPIO pin. The optional
* boolean activeLow indicates LED is ON with digital LOW value.
* @param outputPin GPIO pin number
* @param activeLow set to true to indicate the LED ON with digital LOW value. default: false
* @param wpm words per minute, default: WPM_DEFAULT
LEDMorseSender(int outputPin, bool activeLow = false, float wpm=WPM_DEFAULT);
* Creates a LED Morse code sender with the given GPIO pin. This constructor is for backward compability.
* @param outputPin GPIO pin number
* @param wpm words per minute
LEDMorseSender(int outputPin, float wpm);
* Sends Morse on an analog output pin (using PWM). The brightness value is
* between 0 and 255 and is passed directly to analogWrite.
class PWMMorseSender: public MorseSender {
byte brightness;
virtual void setOn();
virtual void setOff();
PWMMorseSender(int outputPin, float wpm=WPM_DEFAULT, byte brightness=255);
void setBrightness(byte brightness);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user